工业生产总值占国内生产总值约15.4%(2012年),由于国内市场不大,塞工业产品和加工农产品大部分用于出口。工业企业大多为私企,规模不大,雇用工人在30人以下。主要工业部门有食品、纺织、皮革、木材、金属、机械、运输、电力、光学、化工等。 [14]
农业生产总值占国内生产总值约2.3%(2012年),在该国经济的贡献随着服务业的快速发展略有下降,但农产品贸易在对外贸易中仍具有举足轻重的地位。对外出口最多的五种产品中有三种为农产品:柠檬、土豆和奶酪。 [14]
金融、保险、服务及旅游业等较为发达。注重发展以度假旅游为特征的旅游业,2010年以来成为国家外汇收入主要来源和拉动经济增长的支柱产业。2012年出境旅游119.4万人次,同比减少1.2%。2012年入境游人数达246.49万人次,同比增长3%,入境旅游收入19.28亿欧元,同比增长10.2%。主要旅游城市有帕福斯、利马索、拉纳卡等。 [14]
2012年财政赤字为11.27亿欧元,占GDP的6.3%。其中,财政收入71.5亿欧元,占GDP的39.97%,同比增长8.5%;财政支出82.77亿欧元,占GDP的46.27%,同比增长增长7.85%。 [14]
塞浦路斯2012年进口总额为57.41亿欧元,比前一年下降了5.69亿欧元;出口总额为14.21亿欧元,比前一年增长了0.15亿欧元。主要出口商品为医药用品、柑橘、服装、奶酪、酒类及部分轻工产品和农产品。主要进口矿产品、机械、运输设备、贱金属及其制品、化学工业及相关工业产品等。 [14]
2010年外国在塞直接投资达13.6亿欧元,塞对外直接投资达5.9亿欧元。 Welcome to Ningbo Unity International Freight Forwarding Co., Ltd.
Our company was founded in 2008 which is specialized in providing total logistics services including ocean shipping, air freight forwarding, land transportation, and warehouse management as a whole.
With the strong supports by most major carriers with their core advantages of convenience routings, we are able to provide complete services to most ports on earth covering Southeast Asia, Middle East, India and Pakistan, Europe, the Red Sea, Black Sea, Australia, Africa, North America, Canada & South America with most innovative and cost effective logistics solutions of which is incomparable to other traditional forwarders.
Today, as international trade continues to increase and communication technologies are bringing suppliers and consumers throughout the world closer together, it is progressively important for us to transport your goods as efficiently and economically as possible in order for us and our clients to maintain a competitive advantage.
By maintaining lasting and productive business relationships, we ensure our mutual well-being. Our clients expect timely and cost-effective services; our associates and suppliers seek maximum exposure of their products; our partners look for trust and long term relationships; and our employee desire work fulfillment. To meet these needs requires continual effort and dedication. We believe that by constantly striving for superior standards, we will be the best in our business. Welcome to Ningbo Unity International Freight Forwarding Co., Ltd.
Our company was founded in 2008 which is specialized in providing total logistics services including ocean shipping, air freight forwarding, land transportation, and warehouse management as a whole.
With the strong supports by most major carriers with their core advantages of convenience routings, we are able to provide complete services to most ports on earth covering Southeast Asia, Middle East, India and Pakistan, Europe, the Red Sea, Black Sea, Australia, Africa, North America, Canada & South America with most innovative and cost effective logistics solutions of which is incomparable to other traditional forwarders.
Today, as international trade continues to increase and communication technologies are bringing suppliers and consumers throughout the world closer together, it is progressively important for us to transport your goods as efficiently and economically as possible in order for us and our clients to maintain a competitive advantage.
By maintaining lasting and productive business relationships, we ensure our mutual well-being. Our clients expect timely and cost-effective services; our associates and suppliers seek maximum exposure of their products; our partners look for trust and long term relationships; and our employee desire work fulfillment. To meet these needs requires continual effort and dedication. We believe that by constantly striving for superior standards, we will be the best in our business.
● 专业笃实的操作团队——须经144课时培训,包括仓储、报关等相关业务
● 全球各大港口150多个直拼点
● 遍布全球的120多家成熟代理编织而成海外网络
● 承接DDP、DDU、EXW等各类业务
● 透明的报价体系、规范的目的港收费
● 便捷的EDI、AMS自有系统
● 强劲的电子商务功能
● 扎实的港航合作基础
● 各沿海港口均可承接全国范围的拼箱货物