Mission and Vision Statement
Our mission is to distinguish our company from other providers by delivering the most customer-focused 3PL and Supply Chain IT solutions in the logistics industry. We believe our success will be self-fulfilling if we continuously adhere to the following principles:
Ensuring complete satisfaction of our existing customers comes first.
A true partnership approach is essential to achieve continuous improvement. Top-down, long-term commitment strengthens the partnership.
Delivering measurable supply chain enhancements, quality improvements and cost savings will reinforce our customers’ faith in us.
Creating a challenging and rewarding workplace for our employees is a high priority.
Continuously driving innovation in all facets of our business engenders success.
Decentralized decision-making builds a culture of empowerment and results in superior speed-to-market.
Building and fostering a team of people from different continents, races, religions and backgrounds is a high priority.为客户提供全套出口运输服务。整套物流出口运输体系从根本上降低了客户的出口运输成本并且在很大程度上保证了无忧出口服务。公司形成了自己多种优势,以保证各种客户的不同需求。我司操作焦炭 活性炭 炭黑等各种炭类货物出口运输;元明粉 硫酸钡等各种化工品; 电动车 家具 卷钢 私人物品 出口运输;秦皇岛 黄骅 京唐 曹妃甸内支线运输服务;进口清关 进口海运 进口派送服务;强势港内装箱运作能力。
公司与MSC、COSCO、EMC 、HMM、MSK、PIL、YML、MCC、OOCL、APL、CMA、RCL、ONE等世界有名的船公司一直保持着良好的合作关系,能为客户提供经国内各大港口发往世界各地的优势运价。公司主要优势: 中东印巴东南亚, 澳洲红海非洲 欧地 日韩航线及拼箱全航线。我司有散货,进口、空运团队,足以满足您各种需求。
公司全面实现系统与网络的优化管理,为每票货物配备操作人员对口服务。我公司拥有着成熟优化的整套物流方案:订舱 报关报检 装箱集港 拖车配送 熏蒸仓储,让广大客户省钱省心省力,毫无后顾之忧。满足您的需求,我们责无旁贷。精益求精,成为品质物流供应商,离不开您的支持与信赖。转载请注明出处: