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★专业打包包装服务- 国际搬家专业打包人员为客户物品提供打包服务
Major Process of Global Moving

1. Make a pre-move survey and write down your demands
2. Sign contract and confirm the moving date
3. Before moving, to protect walls and floors, supervisor will check them and workers will make protection. You are requested to write an inventory of important things and put those
expensive things properly.
4. Professional packing
5. Check floors and walls again.
6. While loading goods to the truck, supervisor will check the goods according to the packing list.
7. Take away your original passport and other documents required for customs declaration and give them back to you in 3 days.
8. Ship the goods to your destination
9. Our agent will clear customs and deliver goods to your house.转载请注明出处:散货拼箱



  • 1、中东非洲散货海运
  • 2、美国加拿大东南亚日韩海运拼箱
  • 3、广州起步出口到欧洲各国
  • 4、代理FOB CIF散货海运
  • 5、代客收货款等一条龙散货海运
  • 6、中南美加勒比拼柜
  • 7、可交珠三角任何一仓库

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