Network Advantage
-1. A Singapore-based service network which span across the globe;
-2. Branches and offices throughout China provide you with excellent service;
-3. Have contracted many globally-renowned carriers with whom good relations are kept;
-4. Pioneered to adopt advanced computer network to ensure high quality and effciency.
-1. A Singapore-based service network which span across the globe;
-2. Branches and offices throughout China provide you with excellent service;
-3. Have contracted many globally-renowned carriers with whom good relations are kept;
-4. Pioneered to adopt advanced computer network to ensure high quality and effciency.B、海运进口业务范围:
1 根据客户的委托,承接FOB—从国外工厂到国内工厂的(门到门)全程代理或办理进口到货 前后的一切业务。
2 跟踪船舶动态,了解一切最新资讯;选择、组织最佳运输工具及运输方案。
3 进口货物到港后转关/报关、纳税、三检、保险;
4 港口交接、提货、组织装运;落实中转站卸货和转运工作;集装箱拆、装箱及转运;制定大件设备运输的装载、捆扎、加固方案,现场监装、卸等。