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Our company B&C international Logistics Ltd was founded on 2008,Which is a new generation company that fuses traditional business principles with advanced management and net-work, to create leading edge services and solutions, our core businesses include custom broker and logistic services both internal and external.

Our head-quarter located in Shenzhen,with branch and agency in Hongkong、Guangzhou and Ningbo respectively. We also have established a comprehensive net-work in north China, And our business have covered all of the world. 我们拥有先进的物流系统,帮助您管理订单,支持离线打单,在您的网络中断时,也不会影响发货,更有区别于其它物流软件的优势:在您的客户端上,可以轻松的跟踪货物转运状态,无须在承运商的官网上进行繁锁查询,让您对于包裹状况了好指掌。



  • 1、中东非洲散货海运
  • 2、美国加拿大东南亚日韩海运拼箱
  • 3、广州起步出口到欧洲各国
  • 4、代理FOB CIF散货海运
  • 5、代客收货款等一条龙散货海运
  • 6、中南美加勒比拼柜
  • 7、可交珠三角任何一仓库

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