专业提供两地搬家、深港货运、深港物流、深港运输、深港搬家、深圳化工品运输至香港、深圳货运至香港、深圳到香港货运、深圳搬家到香港、深圳物流到香港、深圳运输至香港、深圳中港物流公司、香港至深圳物流,澳门至深圳运输,台湾至深圳货运;我司主要以香港.澳门.台湾快件包税进出口为主,分别在深圳机场快件监管中心.珠海快件监管中心清关.香港货物中转进口清关,代理,运输为主营服务,我公司拥有一批经验丰富的报关员,与政府、海关及相关部门有良好的人际关系,在海关各口岸及同行中有良好的声誉。employs more than 300 dedicated and experienced freight forwarding and logistics professionals at offices in Hong Kong (Headquarters), and branch offices in Greater China, Taiwan, and Vietnam.
Positioned to meet the challenges of a fast paced economy, PGS Logistics’ mission is to be the perfect solution for you; providing personalized and competitively priced freight and logistics services on an international scale.
is a licensed class A Forwarder in Mainland China, International Air Transport Association (IATA) and International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations (FIATA) agent and is equipped to work directly with air and shipping lines and process customs clearance for import and export, and act as a warehouse and trucking operator.转载请注明出处:散货拼箱