包括;揽货、订舱、仓储、中转、集装箱拼/拆箱、报关、报检、保险等,公司以“诚信、高效、务实、开拓”的宗旨,“为客户多做一点点”的工作态度,竭诚为广大客户提供优质服务. ------强力推介:开顶柜,框架柜,冷冻柜,挂衣柜,专业装卸超高超宽大型机械及危险品等特殊运输。
☆国际海运集装箱货运代理: 以黄埔、蛇口、盐田,汕头港为中心,辐射至华东,华北地区开展进出口货运,代理全球集装箱海运业务.与中海(CSCL),现代商船(HMM),太平船务(PIL),万海(WHL),阳明(YML),东方海外(OOCL),德翔(T SL),美国总统(APL),地中海(MSC),长荣(EVERGREEN),马士基(MAERSK)等多家大型船公司建立了合作伙伴关系,在东南亚、中东、印巴、欧洲、北美、澳洲、非洲等,诸多航线上具备服务与运价优势.established the air department to meet the increasing airfreight and express business. With nice connection of shenzhen, Hongkong and Guangzhou, we take your cargo to all over the world conveniently and quickly. How to cut your cost and transmit time is what we are doing to meet your request. Your satisfaction is our great pleasure. Our major marketing in Europe, Middle east and Northern America based on UPS, EK, DHL, CA, CZ ,TG,CXservice ...